We are teachers... We need to prepare kids for life... Not only for marks.... But...... Does this system help us? Oh!!!! god please give the strength to make good changes... 🙏🏻our goal should be to create the society of leaders, creators, well-mannered citizens not just employees.
Monday, 22 January 2018
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Most of philosophers says enjoy d lonelyness..coz its univesal truth we are alone in birth n death, but in between our feelings,emotions,mind,n heart these all made us feel that someone is with us till life end, although in mob,at party suddenly our mind reminded me that nobody is with me n i feel distubed n i lost interest to mingle.i shared to my freinds n asked is it happens with them also. they said it happen when a person scolds neglects,who is very near to heart then they feels like ...n suggests me to not read such type of articles....oh gosh...i realized it is totally personal emotion...n started reading more on lonelyness..i have found good complement on this.....we found ourselves being alone...we speaks ourselves,we listens,what our mind n heart says,...even swami vivekanand says,speak everyday once with your soul unless u miss a best freind in the world,....so am enjoying lonelyness once in a week.n its wonderful,amazing..thank u philosopher.....try to be alone...it need guts...but once u get it nobody stops ur freindship with ur mind n soul.......shislove....
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Loves u
Being lonely i prefer always..
I found myself in me.....
Unless i lost in u.....
U gave a chance to search me in me.....
For that i love u ever ....n forever..... Shislove@.....
Saturday, 13 January 2018
ELETP ...thank u note..
I m feeling sumthng dfrnc in my tchng,not only myself but pupils also found the changes. pupils observed the style of tchng is unique,and they opinioned its very easier to comprehend.ex ...grammer concepts i used old method like at first concept n exampls ..bt nw im teaching through actvts, viz ...for class v, I introduced noun,pronoun,verbs through activity,pupils only conclude the definition at last ,i felt oh god...they get it very easily n effectively,,onwards i asked ccq's yeah.......i got max response...really i would love to thank eletp ....thank u so much....shislv007@gmail.com
Thursday, 11 January 2018
Everymoment of our life is very worthful,everymoment wont come back,so however it was,or it is,just face it.do ur job as possible as good,n live like next second u' re taking last breath.so my ajenda of life is just celebrate every second,enjoy small small incidents also because one day if u look back then those all silly incidents will give u great smile on ur face,life is very precious live it,love it,n celebrate it. By shislove........thank u....
Monday, 8 January 2018
I will take c.l.on next strike ...
Saturday, 6 January 2018
Never Ever Worry( NEW)....... In day today life we are facing so many problems.
Eventhogh we are facing so many problems that problems teaches, moulds, make man New kind of man ...
Yes this is the time man has to become New kind of man that is change in our attitude we will help for our life
Don't wait for time.... time will not change we have have change our mindset according to time
This attitude going to change our life
...... .........
Third Batch Training
Warm welcome to the teachers to this blog. In this blog you can type and upload your own written poems, stories, quotes, diaries, case studies, translations, methods, rhymes, new activities etc. I hope this blog is going to be good platform for you all to present your creativity in writing. I also hope that this is going to be step one for the beginners.
With warm regards,
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Monday, 1 January 2018
Happy new year 2018
Change, Changes Our Unchanging Changes.
Professional Development
Professional Development. Abstract:. In this article it is been tried to understand the concept of professional development. The professio...
The implementation of all activities which are in ELETP training module is not an easy task in rural areas, but I am trying my le...
Respected Intellectuals, I remembered, compared myself to today's education system. I am not blaming present situation, but how we are ...