Monday, 4 December 2017

Nothing Or something???? Puzzle universe

It was my serious question to all my  science teachers..I had thought of it when I was at 7th ( as I was very much interested in science I used to ask many questions to my teachers one of those was I discussed here. ) that is" if there is nothing.. What will be the something in the universe???  What exactly nothingness is? But I didn't satisfy with all the replies. So after  many years  I again thought of it and searched.... I got these ideas... From Google

Imagine nothing. Go ahead. What do you see? I picture dark empty space
Nothing is nonsensical. It is impossible to conceptualize nothing— not only no space, time, matter, energy, light, darkness or conscious beings to perceive the nothingness but not even nothingness. In this sense, the question is literally inconceivable.
Nothing is something. It is a logical fallacy to talk about “nothing” as if it were a “something” that ceases to exist. Here we bump up against the problem of defining what we mean by “nothing” and the restrictions that language imposes on the problem. The very act of talking about “nothing” makes it a “something.” Otherwise, what are we talking about?
“nothing” is the natural state of things out of which “something” needs an explanation. Maybe “something” is the natural state of things, and “nothing” would be the mystery to be solved. 
This isn't exactly a question more of an answer than anything, but nothing is in fact something, because nothing exists even as an idea of something that is missing, or void as an not there; But even if it is only an idea, it exists, and because there was nothing before there was what we call "something" there was in ...
“Empty Space” does not mean “nothing”, because you have “space” that is empty, which itself is something.
Still I feel... “Beyond the universe” is not an answerable question.


Professional Development

Professional Development. Abstract:. In this article it is been tried to understand the concept of professional development. The professio...