The modern world is growing very fast. Its only because of the human greediness, selfishness, desires etc., And that's how humans are the only reason for the growth of the society. People in this world are running behind the things which are possibly be for shorter period of time.
Be a good hand in changing the society. Society can be modified with the school. Let's recall ourselves in the school environment this vacation and try to introspect. Did I teach well? Did I reach the heart of each student in my school? Did I fill sufficient positivity in students? Did I try involving my students in every activity? Did I divert students mind from marks to knowledge? Did I develop confidence of each child? Did I give first hand experience to each student? Likewise, if I ask you these questions , probably you would say 'yes' to all the questions. But it would be different if you answer in percentages. Thus we need to change our perspective towards the change. The average teacher may succeed in saying 90%, this percentage is not going to help our society. Ask yourself the above said questions and some more of your own and if the answer is 100% then you are the most successful teacher in the teachers fraternity.
As I know the modern world is more competitive but some of us don't know that most of us in the competitive world are averaged. For instance, out of 100 candidates applying for any job attend an exam, and 80 to 90 candidates secure average score. Only remaining 10 candidates achieve success and get job, it is because of their above average effort. We all are successful to some extent but still long way to go. The next generation needs us. Though every year I introspect myself with some questions and try to change myself to fill those gaps. Please share your ideas with comments or posting in this blog.
Thank you........ SMM
As you said we teachers should ask ourselves... Those questions. Because education is not just book learning, getting good marks, not even getting job. Now days all study to get good job... If it continues who will create that much of jobs???
ReplyDeleteEducation must teach us to stand on our own feet, to have strong faith on us....
Yes... You are right sir.. Change is needed. Thank you
Thank u for the reply